Unity Oil Company Ltd. is a wholly Ghanaian owned company registered under the laws of the republic of Ghana.
In the year 2002 the company was duly licensed by the National Petroleum Authority (Ghana) as an Oil Marketing Company to procure, store, distribute and sell petroleum products.
Our Vision is to be a leader in the petroleum downstream sector by cultivating a unique corporate brand that emphasizes prudent management and an efficient and reliable customer service.
From its humble beginnings Unity currently operates a wide network of petroleum product retail outlets spread across the regions of Ghana.
With a well trained workforce and a well seasoned managerial team, we provide guaranteed, quick, accurate and highly efficient service to our numerous clienteles.
As a result of our strict adherence to best practices and good corporate relations, the company is a well respected member of the petroleum downstream sector in Ghana.
For Dr. Kwame Kyei, the company’s Chief Executive, Unity is also a vehicle for spreading the benefits of economic development across all segments of society.
This philosophy is practically demonstrated in the fact that a large majority of our employees are women. We have also gained the reputation of being one of Ghana’s leading charity donors.
On the basis of this solid track record, Unity is poised for diversification and expansion.
As part of our growth strategy the company seeks to undertake the following :
1.The expansion of our current network of petroleum product retail outlets.
2.The construction of a state of the art Storage Depot for bulk distribution of petroleum products to service Ghana and the West African Sub-Region.
3.To expand Ghana’s refining capacity by establishing an Oil Refinery in the long term.
Our long term corporate vision and mission is expertly captured in the following message from the Chief Executive:
“We’ve grown across the country and our policy now is to expand internationally. Now that Ghana has its own oil, we want to make the best use of our capabilities and our resources to expand. ”
“At Unity, we have positioned ourselves in such a way that the discovery of oil is going to be a blessing for us. We can take advantage of Ghana’s open, liberal economy to create jobs and expand internationally. ”